Rice Purity TestRice Purity Test

Rice Purity Test For BOYS

Check your emotional and maturation level using 100 Questions of Rice Purity Test for both girls and boys.


100 to 98If you have scored between 100 to 98, you are the purest one in this day and age. In today's age of physical relations and sovereignty, it's quite an achievement that's hard to beat! After a day it will take a change in your rice purity score.
97 to 94You lie behind the whitest purity scale, but it's quite an achievement. You may have kissed or been smooched once or twice. You might have gone through a few physical adventures now and then, but you learn the difference between being safe and being extreme.
93 to 77This is the category where the average person falls into. You may have browsed off a lot of the list, but you've maintained off almost all of them. The assortment can diversify, but the all-around maturation experience may be more or less similar.
76 to 45Adventurous is a spirited performance, and you've had your fair share of wild experiences. You'd commit some acts mainly without a second feeling as compared to others who would reckon twice, thrice, or even four times before passing over the line. Congratulations, maybe? You need to remember that this rice purity test isn't to be explored as a life bucket list, and it shouldn't be tried that way. So hold off on that unless you frankly want to live on the dangerous side!